Saturday, October 7, 2023

4 OCTOBER 2023

 Hi, for today, it is my final day here as a practical student. I made vouchers for account payables to pay indent that have been completed. After completed the vouchers, I bring them to En Azli for him to review. 

Then, I help them to prepare a farewell party for me. They give me a chance to talk on what I want in the party. I am very thankful I met a great and kind people in this company. It is very good experience to give me a starting knowledge about how the real working world does. 

Thank you, Lembaga Air Perak. I love you 💗 

3 OCTOBER 2023

 Hi, for today, I made indent for monthly work and indent that have been applied by assistant engineers. I made them without the supervision of my supervisor. I feel happy as I did not made any mistake and can do it on my own. 

After that, I bring the indents to the each division leaders for them to reviewed before getting the approval from Pengurus Wilayah. 

Today, I brought a thankful gift to the person that have been kind to me. I give to the accounting and administration department legos that I have build into flowers and animals.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

2 OCTOBER 2023

Hi, for today, I  help Pn Noraishan to check travel claims and overtime claims forms. As what have said in the workshop last week, they said the overtime forms also need to send to the headquarter as soon as possible. Because of that, the accounting department is very busy early of the month hahaha😆.

While checking the claims, I also pick up the phone calls from customers. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I settle down the document that need approval from the division leader like En. Fuzi and En. Faizal as my supervisor taking a leave today. Not only that, I also need to bring all the document regarding indent to Pengurus Wilayah for him to check the indent and approve the pending indent. Then, I help Pn. Noraishan to check claims for private clinic.

Pn. Noraishan taking a half day today. As for that, I help administration department to handle the letters. As Pengurus Wilayah did not come to the office for four days, all the pending letters are so many. I decided to help En. Firdaus and En. Sazali to minute the letters. We play our part very well. En. Firdaus key in the data and photostat the letters, En. Sazali photostat the letters and distribute and I minute all the letters into the files. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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