Company Information

 About Lembaga Air Perak

Lembaga Air Perak (LAP) is a body established under the Perak Water Board Enactment 1988 for the purpose of providing water supply services in the state of Perak. LAP was established on 1 January 1990. Before the establishment of LAP, air supply services in Perak were first run by the Perak Public Works Department and later by the Perak Water Supply Department. The Perak Air Board which supplies clean water to more than 2.5 million people is the third largest water operator in Malaysia after Selangor and Johor.

The General Manager appointed by the Board of Directors is responsible for planning, implementing, managing operations and financial and administrative affairs of the Perak Water Board.

The restructuring of the water industry in Malaysia was carried out in 2008 to resolve CAPEX financing issues. With the reorganization, the water operator in Malaysia will operate as an asset-light entity. PAAB was established as a special body to provide CAPEX funding for state-owned air agencies.

Organizational Chart

Tel : 05-808 5077


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