Wednesday, July 12, 2023

11 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I got so much experience to get a chance to go to water treatment plant in Sungai Rawa, Kerian, Perak.

In this plant, I got a chance to meet En Shafiyuddin who is engineer in the plant. Firstly, he explain briefly how working environment in the plant. Then, he takes us to the real water plant from one station to one station. He explain all of the procedure needed to treat the water from the river until the water that we get in our house. After that, he bought us to chemical lab to show us how the test been done to the water everyday.  

After finished visit water treatment plant, we went to operations center of LAP in Sungai Rawa. I got to learn about Lapcom which is the system they have to key in the complaints regarding water supply. En Syukri also show us the tools that they use to carry out repair work. Then, we came back to the office after finished. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈



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