Monday, May 8, 2023

8 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I have checked travel and overtime allowance form wether staffs have key in wrongly or not. Most of the form is correct and do not need correction. Next, I continued doing a cashbook for the petty cash using a system. After finished doing the cashbook, my supervisor teach me to do small voucher or 'baucer kecil'. 

After that, I key in the data about claim of petrol for Shell, Petronas and Petron. After finished key in, I print the data two copies as one needed to be kept in the office while the other have to be sent to headquarter. I have also send the vouchers that have been made by Pn Noraishan to En Azli who is the assistant accountant to get approval from him before send them to Ipoh. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈



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