Sunday, August 20, 2023

17 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, as Encik Firdaus has workshop at headquarter in Ipoh, he ask me to help him handle the incomming letters A to Z. I need to key in all the details in the incomming letters in Microsoft Word. While key in the details, I need to check whether we have receive the similar of the letters in the past. It will make easier for us to find which of the specific file regarding the letter. If not, we have to manually find it in the Microsoft Excel which of the file that suitable for the letters. 

Luckily that En Firdaus have write all the file for me to find it in the file room only. Even though I have help En Firdaus before this to find file, but this time it is a bit difficult for me to find all the files as I am not very familiar with the file room. So, it give me experience for administration department. Fortunately,  when I did not find the file that I need, I ask Encik Sazali to help me find it.

All the incomming letters need to minute first before putting it in the file. Today, mostly, I do administration work as in the accounting department, we do not have so much work yet.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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