Wednesday, August 9, 2023

9 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I made one indent that have been applied by assistant engineer. After that, I made vouchers to be paid by headquarter. As usual, it starts with bill tracking and ended with payment preparation. Then, I bring all the vouchers to En Azli for him to review the vouchers. It need to be review first before Pengurus Wilayah can authorize it as a risk management in case any problem arise during the preparation of vouchers.

At 1.00 p.m., En Firdaus, Pn Rosilah and me went to the headquarter in Ipoh. We need to send some vouchers to accounting department and fitting our clothes for Independence Day. Once finished the mattres there, we went back to the office and arrive at 5.45 p.m..

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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