Sunday, August 6, 2023

4 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I help Kak Ros to prepare the voucher that have been authorize by Pengurus Wilayah as En Firdaus want to go to the Ipoh so he could sent the voucher as well to the headquarter. After finished preparing the voucher, my supervisor ask the permission from Chief Clerk to let En Firdaus bring me and another student to visit the headquarter office as we never get a chance to go there. 

After getting a permission, En Firdaus bring both of us to the Ipoh using LAP car. It is so amazing because the office in the headquarter is so big and beautiful. The building is also very high and nice. We get to see each of the floor in that building. After sending the vouchers and other letters, we went back to the office in Taiping. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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