Thursday, September 28, 2023


 Hi, for today, we do not really have much work as Pengurus Wilayah is taking leave. So, I decided to help administration department to minute letters in the files and taking phone calls from customers.

Other than that, I help Pn Noraishan to made disability insurance for the contractor and give the cheque to En Ashraf to give it to the bank. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I start my day by photostat document regarding the insurance for project that have been done by assistant engineer. I need to make a copy as the copy need to put it in the file for the record while the original documents will be sent to the headquarter when we made payment voucher later. 

Then, my supervisor and I checked the documents that have been sent by assistant engineer to proceed the payment. Before we proceed the payment, we need to check the schedule of price adjustment that have been made by them. We have checked one by one and found several mistakes. My supervisor have informed the assistant engineer to make correction first before make voucher.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I help Pn Noraishan to email the data regarding of claims for private clinic to chief clerk which is En Aisar. All the data of claims have been record from January 2023 to September 2023 in Microsoft Excel.

Then, I check of work that have been done by Pn Noraishan regarding the salary increment in October 2023. I need to check the data of related staffs in the Century Financial system whether their salary has been changed or not. 

 That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, accounting department is empty again as Pn Rosilah and Pn Noraishan have workshop in Penang for three days. Because of that, I took this chance to continue doing my internship report while taking phone calls from customers. 

Not only that, I also help administration department in doing their works. I also minute letters to put it in the specific files. I also meet some of engineer assistant to give them their own indent that have been printed before.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Thursday, September 21, 2023


 Hi, for today, I arrived a bit late at office as I am stuck in the traffic jammed because Taiping is raining heavily. Most of the place in Taiping are flooded. 

I have been asked by En. Firdaus to help him settling incoming letters that have been received yesterday that will come out from Pengurus Wilayah's room because he taking a leave for today. He already find files that needed for each of the files. I just need to minute the files and sent it to the division leader according to the letters. 

As I did not have much work in the accounting department, I record the data of incoming letters that have been receive today and sent it to the Pengurus Wilayah's room for him to sign and review all the letters.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, all staff from the accounting department have workshop in headquarter regarding claims and overtime. As a result, I have to meet Pengurus Wilayah to bring the vouchers and indent that have been reviewed  yesterday as he need to approved before send it to the headquarter. While waiting for him to approved all the vouchers, I print the voucher payment from the Century Financial system and stapler it together with the vouchers that have been made before to facilitate the filing process later. 

As all the staff of accounting department is not in the office, I take this chance to doing my internship report while taking phone calls from customers. I also minute letters to put in the files.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I made vouchers for account payable as usual from bill tracking/registering invoice until payment preparation. All of this vouchers is issued to pay the indents that have been submitted by the assistant engineer along with the invoices. Then, I give  the vouchers to En Azli, assistant accountant for him to reviewed it and checked. 

After that, I made indent/work order for work that have been applied before. Those indent need to be reviewed by each of their division head. 

Moreover, I check the compilation of overtime allowance form to make sure the total amount is correct and all form had been given. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I help Pn Noraishan to record the data of staff salary increment on October 2023 in Microsoft Excel. In LAP, they have four times of salary increment which is the period will follow the month they appointed permanently as staff. I need to record staff's name, staff number, salary increment and previous salary. I need to double check carefully as this table will be sent to the headquarter along with completed document for them to proceed on their process of salary increment in the headquarter later. 

Then, I help administration department to minute letters to put it in their own specific file. I also help in taking phone calls from customers. 

 That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Sunday, September 17, 2023


 Hi, for today, I learn from my supervisor to check all the allocation money and how to budget until November 2023. For the LAP, the allocation are distributed periodically. For the first period, it will be given 50% and then for the second period it will entered 30%. For this week, it has entered the balance 20% so the accountant need to do a budget thoroughly so that all the money is enough for the expenses until November 2023.

Then, I have my supervisor visit with Dr Rusniza on 3.45 p.m.. Dr Rusniza meet my supervisor company using Google Meet platform first before meeting with me. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I check all the stock regarding stationery in the office as my supervisor is one of the asset officer in the office. I need to make sure the amount of the stock is the same in the system. If the amount is not the same, it must be we did not record the data when staff getting the stationery here. I need to check one by one thoroughly and carefully. 

After that, I help Pn Noraishan to check leftover overtime allowance form and record the voucher that have been made in the despatch book. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, we have a colour theme to wear as we will taking a photo together with administration department because En Sazali will be pension later and the colour is navy blue! 

For the work, I made vouchers for account payable. Starting will bill tracking or register invoice until payment preparation. For the registration invoice, the invoice number should not be the same with invoice because if the invoice number is same with the previous invoice that have been registered, the system will refuse to proceed the registration invoice as it find the invoice number is not under unique. This is to avoid double payment to the third party. 

Then, I went to headquarter in Ipoh to sent vouchers and letters.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I made a few indents to the work order that have been applied by assistant engineer. It got reviewed by the engineer and approved by Pengurus Wilayah. After it have been approved by Pengurus Wilayah, only then I can print the indent. After print it, I need to get the signature from the engineer and Pengurus Wilayah. Then, I distribute to the assistant engineer whether by giving it their driver or they pick the indent in the office. When distribute the indent to them, we record it in the book and the person who receive it need to sign the book as the record that they have take the indent to avoid any problem in the future.

While doing the accounting department task, I also help administration department to taking phone calls from customer if they were too busy. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, September 11, 2023


 Hi, for today, I check overtime allowance form as usual and record all of the data in the Microsoft Excel to sent to the headquarter later. The data have been divided according to position, work place and respective section. 

Then, I made two claims that just been sent today. Actually, we cannot sent the travel claims after 10th in every month. But staff in headquarter still want to accept the claims. And as usual, it need to be reviewed and approved. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I made work order for four work that engineer assistant has applied. Before accounting department made work order, assistant engineer need to fill up market research form and sent to their supervisor to get approval. After that, they can sent to accounting department to proceed making the work order. 

Then, I made several payment vouchers and travel claims and sent to En Azli to be reviewed. After all of it have been reviewed, my supervisor bring it to Pengurus Wilayah to be approved by him. Last for today,  I check overtime allowance form as usual.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


Hi, for today, I made payment vouchers for the invoice that have been sent to the accounting department. The payment voucher is starting with bill tracking and ending with the payment preparation using the Century Financial software. I need to carefully enter the invoice number because if the invoice number is not the same with the stated invoice number in the invoice, the payment cannot be made.

Then, I check overtime allowance form as usual to make sure all are correct to avoid any query from the headquarter which will make the process more complicated. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


 Hi, for today, I check travel allowance forms whether it is correct or not. But there is some problem as some of them claimed form for special occasion and I did not know how to calculate it. Therefore, I learn with Pn Noraishan on how to calculate.

Then, I made work order for the work that will be done in September. All of this work have their own quotation that have been known. So, we in accounting department only need to do the work order every month without applications of work order from assistant engineer. 

After that, I recorded all of the vouchers that have been made before in the despatch book. When the driver submit to the accounting department in headquarter, the receiver will check one by one and sign in the book for the reference later and evidence that we have submit the vouchers. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I made travel claim vouchers for the claim that just been sent. Before making the vouchers, I need to check whether the amount is correct and all the documents needed are submitted. 

Then, I helped En Sazali to in charge of taking a phone calls from customers. After that, I help Pn Rosilah to recheck the purchase order that have been rejected. She discuss with Mr Alvin on how to solve the problem. I only help in checking the budget for several vot and update the purchase order to transfer the purchase to another vote allocation.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I learn how to made claim voucher from Pn Noraishan. I check and made claim vouchers in the Century Financial software. This claim vouchers need to be submitted to the headquarter before or on 10th every month's. It is the same with the account payable vouchers as it need to be reviewed by En Azli, assistant accountant and approved by Pengurus Wilayah.

Apart from that, I also made some of account payable voucher and have been reviewed by En Azli. Then, I check overtime allowance form to make sure all have been done in correct amount and format. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 I got replacement leave for yesterday from Pengurus Besar Lembaga Air Perak 😊

31 AUGUST 2023


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

30 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I get a rest from the training team so I am at the office full day before going to Ipoh to check in the hotel. I made vouchers for all the payments and sort it one by one with my supervisor. Then, I check all the documents that have been sent to the accounting department whether it is complete or not. 

After that, I made work order regarding the work that have been applied by assistant engineer. The work order have to be reviewed by their leader, which is En Faizal, Engineer of Distribution and Development. After getting reviewed from En Faizal, the work order have to be approved by Pengurus Wilayah, Tuan Haji Ishak. Only after that, I can print the indent and give to the assistant engineer to proceed their work. 

After finish office hour, I straight went to Ipoh to prepare for tomorrow

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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