Thursday, September 21, 2023


 Hi, for today, I arrived a bit late at office as I am stuck in the traffic jammed because Taiping is raining heavily. Most of the place in Taiping are flooded. 

I have been asked by En. Firdaus to help him settling incoming letters that have been received yesterday that will come out from Pengurus Wilayah's room because he taking a leave for today. He already find files that needed for each of the files. I just need to minute the files and sent it to the division leader according to the letters. 

As I did not have much work in the accounting department, I record the data of incoming letters that have been receive today and sent it to the Pengurus Wilayah's room for him to sign and review all the letters.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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