Wednesday, September 6, 2023


 Hi, for today, I check travel allowance forms whether it is correct or not. But there is some problem as some of them claimed form for special occasion and I did not know how to calculate it. Therefore, I learn with Pn Noraishan on how to calculate.

Then, I made work order for the work that will be done in September. All of this work have their own quotation that have been known. So, we in accounting department only need to do the work order every month without applications of work order from assistant engineer. 

After that, I recorded all of the vouchers that have been made before in the despatch book. When the driver submit to the accounting department in headquarter, the receiver will check one by one and sign in the book for the reference later and evidence that we have submit the vouchers. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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