Friday, April 28, 2023

28 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I continued to do the invoices and payment preparations for the rest that I did not have finished two days ago. There is one problem occur when I want to key in the data for local order which is the quantity for items is not appear and it shows as zero but in the local order paper, it have the quantity for each of the item. This is because Mr. Alvin who is work in the Taiping Store Department make small mistake there. However, he has come and fix the problem. 

Next, I learn from my supervisor about Disability Savings or we called it in Malay as 'Wang Simpanan Kecacatan'. It is a deposit from the third party during the project. After key in the data in the system, we make a resit manually and bring the cheque to the bank. Then, the headquarter will do a bank reconciliation to adjust with the cash book.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

27 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I have endorse incomming letters and classified them according to the specific files. Also, I have taken a few of phone calls from customers as my supervisor taking a time off for yesterday's morning. 

After Pn Rosilah came, I have continued checking salaries for specific staffs and correct them back. Around 3 p.m, Pn Rosilah has a meeting and she gave a task to key in the data for telephone bills. However, I did not manage to finish all as I have not really understand certain amount that have been stated in the Microsoft Excel before this. I did not have a chance to ask my supervisor as her meeting did not finish yet until 5 p.m. but I have already leave the note at the bill invoice.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

26 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I checked back the stock that have been audited last week with my supervisor, Pn. Rosilah, and adjusting the incorrect amount of the stocks. It is important to have the correct quantity of the stock with the system as the system is connected with all unit. So, if any staff want to apply for the stock they can check the balance that have in the office when apply for it. The system is called stock management system.

Moreover, Pn. Rosilah teach me on how to make invoice and payment preparation for indenture and vouchers using Lembaga Air Perak systems. There are a lot of steps for indenture compare to the vouchers. I still cannot remember all the step hahaha luckily Pn. Rosilah always guide me to do it and do not leave me alone 😆 All invoices and payment preparations need to be made by each region and sent to the headquarter so that the headquarter can pay the external parties to do their work.

Next, Pn. Rosilah and me check all the document regarding the payroll as it have to be sent to the headquarter by Friday, 28 April 2023. There are some mistake that have been realised and have been corrected by me with the help of Pn Rosilah.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

25 APRIL 2023

 Hi, as for today is the first day of working day after Hari Raya Aidilfitri, the office still feel empty as many of the staffs still in holiday. For today, I am in charge of taking a phone calls from customers. There were a lot of complaints of no water in their areas and other matters. I handle it well today compare to the last one. I have been practicing so many time and I think it is worth it. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

20 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I helped Pn. Aishan to compile all of the staffs overtime form to sent to headquarter in Ipoh. We separate the copy into two because one of the copy need to be kept in the office for future reference.

Furthermore, as today many of the staffs are holiday for Hari Raya Aidilfitri, I am incharge of taking a phone call from customers or third party. It was a good experience but at the same time I feel nervous everything the phone ringing. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

19 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I helped Pn. Aishan to audit the stocks in the financial unit. There is a slight error in the number of stocks recorded and which exist within the company. With this audit activity, the financial unit can update the latest stock. Next, I made a minute of the incoming letters in the files. This is to ensure that company update with the incoming letters. 

Moreover, I help Pn. Rosilah to print out all the vouchers that she have made from February until April. After printing all of the vouchers, we classify them one by one according to what is written on the vouchers. The purpose of classifying them is to place it in different files.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

18 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I checked staff overtime forms and key in the data in Microsoft Excel. We need to fill in the data for all of the staffs who are eligible to receive overtime allowance. But until today, we still have not received some of the form yet. 

Next, I help En. Sazali to compile all documents related to the 2024 budget estimate. After sorting, a copy of the document is sent to the assistant accountant, Pn. Rosilah, to be reviewed. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, April 17, 2023

17 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I have checked the overtime form again. And for today, there is only 1 mistake done by the staff and he have correct the mistake. This is because by the end of the month, we need to send all the form to the headquarter. 

Furthermore, I learned from Pn. Noraishan by seeing her do the outstanding payments for staff who got promoted. All of the data was done by the system of Lembaga Air Perak. It is more organized with the existence of a system to refer back to in the future or when the company is audited.

Next, I have learned and practiced myself under the supervision of Mr. Firdaus to endorse outgoing and incoming letters today. I find interesting to endorse all the letters as accounting always play with data and numbers. 

Last but not least, I have key in the data for overtime allowance and classify it one by one. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Friday, April 14, 2023

14 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I checked staff's overtime form whether there is mistake or not. As usual, there still have a few mistakes done by the staff. Next, I help staff to classify sampul raya for the staff. We classify it by the department that have in Lembaga Air Perak wilayah barat. Next, I learned how to handle with the incoming and outgoing letter to put it in files that have been designated by type. Moreover, I help Pn. Rosilah to check the data that she produce with the data that she recorded. All of this is important as all the data need to be same so that there is no confusion in the future. I have also learned that the amount that contractor can claimed from the Lembaga Air Perak can exceed only to the maximum of 20% from the price that have been dealt before. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Thursday, April 13, 2023

13 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I learn how to endorse outgoing and incoming letters through the company. There are some guideline that staff Lembaga Air Perak need to do which is the incoming letters need to be write in red pen while the outgoing letters need to be write in black pen. 

Moreover, I also prepare information related to staff who have received pension status to be sent to the headquarters. There are about 5 documents that needed to be prepared such as a copy of identity card and national savings fund. 

Today, Lembaga Air Perak wilayah barat has making joint efforts to cook Arabic rice at the Lembaga Air Perak Simpang branch. Around 12.30, Kak Effa and I went to Simpang to help them making the food. And then, around 2.00 p.m., we went to Masjid Simpang to record takbir raya of staff Lembaga Air. It feels good that I get a chance to experience this event. 

After went back to the office, I help En. Sazali to record the data of all the files that coming in today.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

12 APRIL 2023

Hi, for today, I am starting my day with stamps purchase order to be reviewed and approved by higher-ups. All of the transactions that happen in the company need to be reviewed and approved. Next, I was checking the overtime form as usual. For today's forms, there are not many mistakes done by staffs. Furthermore, I also classify all the documents regarding of salary increase forms to the staff's own file. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

11 APRIL 2023

Hi, for today, I have continued on what I am doing yesterday which is transferring the data of all files. As yesterday, it really take a lot of time as I finished doing the works by 4.10 p.m. While doing that work, I also check the overtime form. I found many mistakes there, done by other staff. Moreover, I also made a permission form to leave the office temporarily as the company does not have the softcopy yet to use it in the future. From today tasks, I found that everything need to be done with much details to avoid mistake happen. It is okay to take your time to finish the work as long as it is perfect 💟

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, April 10, 2023

10 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I only do one work that take a lot of my time today hahaha. I transferred data of files from the Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Word. The purpose of this work is to check all the file that have been kept in file room in the office to see whether it need to be close or not as some of the file is very old. Some of the files is from 1990s. We need to check the date of the file but I did not do that yet hahahaha 😂 As for today, I did not finish the task yet, it still left me many files for me to transfer them. I will continue and try to finish them by tomorrow. Wish me luck! Fighting An Nur 😚💪

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Thursday, April 6, 2023

7 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I learned about indenture on how to key in all the data for indenture and how to revise the indenture if the amount is not the same. Lembaga Air Perak use a computer system to key in all the data. 

After that, I learned from Pn Fatin on how to write several letters for staffs who comes late or truancy in March 2023. Lembaga Air Perak will give warning letter to the staffs to remind them about their mistakes. For the staff who is absent from duty without permission, he/she will be required to pay back the salary on the day that he absent to the Lembaga Air Perak. Next, I key in the data of I filled in the salary increase data of some staff. 

From today's works, I personally learn that we need to commit to our work as we have been entrusted to do the tasks well. So it is necessary for the company to give some penalty to those who is not committed to their work

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

6 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I learned to record all of the vouchers to claim staff allowances. Next, I gathered and recorded all of account payable documents and indenture to be sent to Lembaga Air Perak headquarter in Ipoh tomorrow. Lembaga Air in Taiping will save a copy of each of the transaction. For the account payable, there is no limit time to be sent to the headquarter but for the vouchers claim, we need to send them before 25th in each month. I did not do many things today as all of the documents are many and it cost me a lot of time to finish the work today. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

5 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I am starting my day with stamping documents related to employee travel allowance to be verified by the assistant accountant and regional manager here. After finishing with the stamping, I need to check allowance and overtime form. I need to make sure all the amounts and hours that have been filled in the form are accurate. Not only that, I also learn that everything that you want to claim, you need to have evidence to be included so that there is no doubt with what has been stated. 

Next, I learned how to key in data of indenture. Lembaga Air use both way which are with manual in book and also excel system to record all of the transactions of indenture. It is great so that I can double check all of the amount and voucher number accurately. 

Lastly, I learned how to do budget for March 2023. This is the longest time that I take to do my works in this three days. I have been doing the budget since afternoon until the end of working hours. However, I still did not get the same amount with the balance 😭😂 I will continue search my mistakes tomorrow. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, April 3, 2023

4 APRIL 2023

 For today, I got transferred to Financial Control Unit according to the new schedule. While waiting for my new supervisor for this unit, I was given instructions to save the existing files. The files need to be arranged in the correct order on each labeled shelf. Failure to organize the files according to the designated labels will make it difficult for other staff to find the desired files later on.

After meeting my supervisor, Pn. Rosilah, she taught me on how to check travel allowance claim form. I found there are some mistake that have been made by other person such as wrong amount calculated. The mistake have been handled by assistant accountant here. Then, after double check all the data, I need to key in the amount of each staff that have fill in the travel allowance claim form in an excel. There also another document that I need to check which are for driving allowance and overtime payment. 

Next, I have learned on how to do petty cash. Petty cash is when other staff want to buy things that are below RM100.00 and the staff need to use his/her own money first and then they can claim the amount of money with the company but only if they have receipt payment. After doing the petty cash, I need to classify each of the items with its own GL code and key in the data in the excel. 

Then, I have learned about the work indenture form of Lembaga Air Perak. I have been asked to list all of the indenture in one book.

a little experience about the work done by accountants which opened my eyes that in order to be a successful accountant, I need to be a very careful person so that there are no small mistakes that can lead to big mistakes.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

3 April 2023

Today is my first day of internship at Lembaga Air Perak in Taiping. Firstly, I was interviewed with chief clerk and given an introduction to the company on how the company operates. After that, the staff took me around the company to get to know with each staff member in the company.

Then, I was placed in the customer service department at the service counter. Here, I can learn how to handle customers to solve the problems faced by them. I also get to learn how to check and print bills, and handle the bills that have overdue. From all of those tasks, I have learn how to deal with customers and how to communicate with them. It may difficult for the first time but after I have tried several times, it gets easier than before.

Furthermore, I also learn how to double-check documents. It teach me to always be careful and thoroughly on whatever I am doing to minimize the possible errors. It is true that practices make perfect. Moreover, I got a new schedule today which is that I will be placed in the financial control unit for 3 months starting tomorrow, then transferred to the business management section for the next three months.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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