Thursday, April 6, 2023

7 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I learned about indenture on how to key in all the data for indenture and how to revise the indenture if the amount is not the same. Lembaga Air Perak use a computer system to key in all the data. 

After that, I learned from Pn Fatin on how to write several letters for staffs who comes late or truancy in March 2023. Lembaga Air Perak will give warning letter to the staffs to remind them about their mistakes. For the staff who is absent from duty without permission, he/she will be required to pay back the salary on the day that he absent to the Lembaga Air Perak. Next, I key in the data of I filled in the salary increase data of some staff. 

From today's works, I personally learn that we need to commit to our work as we have been entrusted to do the tasks well. So it is necessary for the company to give some penalty to those who is not committed to their work

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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