Thursday, April 13, 2023

13 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I learn how to endorse outgoing and incoming letters through the company. There are some guideline that staff Lembaga Air Perak need to do which is the incoming letters need to be write in red pen while the outgoing letters need to be write in black pen. 

Moreover, I also prepare information related to staff who have received pension status to be sent to the headquarters. There are about 5 documents that needed to be prepared such as a copy of identity card and national savings fund. 

Today, Lembaga Air Perak wilayah barat has making joint efforts to cook Arabic rice at the Lembaga Air Perak Simpang branch. Around 12.30, Kak Effa and I went to Simpang to help them making the food. And then, around 2.00 p.m., we went to Masjid Simpang to record takbir raya of staff Lembaga Air. It feels good that I get a chance to experience this event. 

After went back to the office, I help En. Sazali to record the data of all the files that coming in today.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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