Wednesday, April 5, 2023

5 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I am starting my day with stamping documents related to employee travel allowance to be verified by the assistant accountant and regional manager here. After finishing with the stamping, I need to check allowance and overtime form. I need to make sure all the amounts and hours that have been filled in the form are accurate. Not only that, I also learn that everything that you want to claim, you need to have evidence to be included so that there is no doubt with what has been stated. 

Next, I learned how to key in data of indenture. Lembaga Air use both way which are with manual in book and also excel system to record all of the transactions of indenture. It is great so that I can double check all of the amount and voucher number accurately. 

Lastly, I learned how to do budget for March 2023. This is the longest time that I take to do my works in this three days. I have been doing the budget since afternoon until the end of working hours. However, I still did not get the same amount with the balance 😭😂 I will continue search my mistakes tomorrow. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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