Wednesday, April 26, 2023

26 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I checked back the stock that have been audited last week with my supervisor, Pn. Rosilah, and adjusting the incorrect amount of the stocks. It is important to have the correct quantity of the stock with the system as the system is connected with all unit. So, if any staff want to apply for the stock they can check the balance that have in the office when apply for it. The system is called stock management system.

Moreover, Pn. Rosilah teach me on how to make invoice and payment preparation for indenture and vouchers using Lembaga Air Perak systems. There are a lot of steps for indenture compare to the vouchers. I still cannot remember all the step hahaha luckily Pn. Rosilah always guide me to do it and do not leave me alone 😆 All invoices and payment preparations need to be made by each region and sent to the headquarter so that the headquarter can pay the external parties to do their work.

Next, Pn. Rosilah and me check all the document regarding the payroll as it have to be sent to the headquarter by Friday, 28 April 2023. There are some mistake that have been realised and have been corrected by me with the help of Pn Rosilah.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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