Friday, April 28, 2023

28 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I continued to do the invoices and payment preparations for the rest that I did not have finished two days ago. There is one problem occur when I want to key in the data for local order which is the quantity for items is not appear and it shows as zero but in the local order paper, it have the quantity for each of the item. This is because Mr. Alvin who is work in the Taiping Store Department make small mistake there. However, he has come and fix the problem. 

Next, I learn from my supervisor about Disability Savings or we called it in Malay as 'Wang Simpanan Kecacatan'. It is a deposit from the third party during the project. After key in the data in the system, we make a resit manually and bring the cheque to the bank. Then, the headquarter will do a bank reconciliation to adjust with the cash book.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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