Monday, April 3, 2023

4 APRIL 2023

 For today, I got transferred to Financial Control Unit according to the new schedule. While waiting for my new supervisor for this unit, I was given instructions to save the existing files. The files need to be arranged in the correct order on each labeled shelf. Failure to organize the files according to the designated labels will make it difficult for other staff to find the desired files later on.

After meeting my supervisor, Pn. Rosilah, she taught me on how to check travel allowance claim form. I found there are some mistake that have been made by other person such as wrong amount calculated. The mistake have been handled by assistant accountant here. Then, after double check all the data, I need to key in the amount of each staff that have fill in the travel allowance claim form in an excel. There also another document that I need to check which are for driving allowance and overtime payment. 

Next, I have learned on how to do petty cash. Petty cash is when other staff want to buy things that are below RM100.00 and the staff need to use his/her own money first and then they can claim the amount of money with the company but only if they have receipt payment. After doing the petty cash, I need to classify each of the items with its own GL code and key in the data in the excel. 

Then, I have learned about the work indenture form of Lembaga Air Perak. I have been asked to list all of the indenture in one book.

a little experience about the work done by accountants which opened my eyes that in order to be a successful accountant, I need to be a very careful person so that there are no small mistakes that can lead to big mistakes.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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