Saturday, October 7, 2023

4 OCTOBER 2023

 Hi, for today, it is my final day here as a practical student. I made vouchers for account payables to pay indent that have been completed. After completed the vouchers, I bring them to En Azli for him to review. 

Then, I help them to prepare a farewell party for me. They give me a chance to talk on what I want in the party. I am very thankful I met a great and kind people in this company. It is very good experience to give me a starting knowledge about how the real working world does. 

Thank you, Lembaga Air Perak. I love you 💗 

3 OCTOBER 2023

 Hi, for today, I made indent for monthly work and indent that have been applied by assistant engineers. I made them without the supervision of my supervisor. I feel happy as I did not made any mistake and can do it on my own. 

After that, I bring the indents to the each division leaders for them to reviewed before getting the approval from Pengurus Wilayah. 

Today, I brought a thankful gift to the person that have been kind to me. I give to the accounting and administration department legos that I have build into flowers and animals.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

2 OCTOBER 2023

Hi, for today, I  help Pn Noraishan to check travel claims and overtime claims forms. As what have said in the workshop last week, they said the overtime forms also need to send to the headquarter as soon as possible. Because of that, the accounting department is very busy early of the month hahaha😆.

While checking the claims, I also pick up the phone calls from customers. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I settle down the document that need approval from the division leader like En. Fuzi and En. Faizal as my supervisor taking a leave today. Not only that, I also need to bring all the document regarding indent to Pengurus Wilayah for him to check the indent and approve the pending indent. Then, I help Pn. Noraishan to check claims for private clinic.

Pn. Noraishan taking a half day today. As for that, I help administration department to handle the letters. As Pengurus Wilayah did not come to the office for four days, all the pending letters are so many. I decided to help En. Firdaus and En. Sazali to minute the letters. We play our part very well. En. Firdaus key in the data and photostat the letters, En. Sazali photostat the letters and distribute and I minute all the letters into the files. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Thursday, September 28, 2023


 Hi, for today, we do not really have much work as Pengurus Wilayah is taking leave. So, I decided to help administration department to minute letters in the files and taking phone calls from customers.

Other than that, I help Pn Noraishan to made disability insurance for the contractor and give the cheque to En Ashraf to give it to the bank. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I start my day by photostat document regarding the insurance for project that have been done by assistant engineer. I need to make a copy as the copy need to put it in the file for the record while the original documents will be sent to the headquarter when we made payment voucher later. 

Then, my supervisor and I checked the documents that have been sent by assistant engineer to proceed the payment. Before we proceed the payment, we need to check the schedule of price adjustment that have been made by them. We have checked one by one and found several mistakes. My supervisor have informed the assistant engineer to make correction first before make voucher.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I help Pn Noraishan to email the data regarding of claims for private clinic to chief clerk which is En Aisar. All the data of claims have been record from January 2023 to September 2023 in Microsoft Excel.

Then, I check of work that have been done by Pn Noraishan regarding the salary increment in October 2023. I need to check the data of related staffs in the Century Financial system whether their salary has been changed or not. 

 That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, accounting department is empty again as Pn Rosilah and Pn Noraishan have workshop in Penang for three days. Because of that, I took this chance to continue doing my internship report while taking phone calls from customers. 

Not only that, I also help administration department in doing their works. I also minute letters to put it in the specific files. I also meet some of engineer assistant to give them their own indent that have been printed before.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Thursday, September 21, 2023


 Hi, for today, I arrived a bit late at office as I am stuck in the traffic jammed because Taiping is raining heavily. Most of the place in Taiping are flooded. 

I have been asked by En. Firdaus to help him settling incoming letters that have been received yesterday that will come out from Pengurus Wilayah's room because he taking a leave for today. He already find files that needed for each of the files. I just need to minute the files and sent it to the division leader according to the letters. 

As I did not have much work in the accounting department, I record the data of incoming letters that have been receive today and sent it to the Pengurus Wilayah's room for him to sign and review all the letters.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, all staff from the accounting department have workshop in headquarter regarding claims and overtime. As a result, I have to meet Pengurus Wilayah to bring the vouchers and indent that have been reviewed  yesterday as he need to approved before send it to the headquarter. While waiting for him to approved all the vouchers, I print the voucher payment from the Century Financial system and stapler it together with the vouchers that have been made before to facilitate the filing process later. 

As all the staff of accounting department is not in the office, I take this chance to doing my internship report while taking phone calls from customers. I also minute letters to put in the files.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I made vouchers for account payable as usual from bill tracking/registering invoice until payment preparation. All of this vouchers is issued to pay the indents that have been submitted by the assistant engineer along with the invoices. Then, I give  the vouchers to En Azli, assistant accountant for him to reviewed it and checked. 

After that, I made indent/work order for work that have been applied before. Those indent need to be reviewed by each of their division head. 

Moreover, I check the compilation of overtime allowance form to make sure the total amount is correct and all form had been given. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I help Pn Noraishan to record the data of staff salary increment on October 2023 in Microsoft Excel. In LAP, they have four times of salary increment which is the period will follow the month they appointed permanently as staff. I need to record staff's name, staff number, salary increment and previous salary. I need to double check carefully as this table will be sent to the headquarter along with completed document for them to proceed on their process of salary increment in the headquarter later. 

Then, I help administration department to minute letters to put it in their own specific file. I also help in taking phone calls from customers. 

 That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Sunday, September 17, 2023


 Hi, for today, I learn from my supervisor to check all the allocation money and how to budget until November 2023. For the LAP, the allocation are distributed periodically. For the first period, it will be given 50% and then for the second period it will entered 30%. For this week, it has entered the balance 20% so the accountant need to do a budget thoroughly so that all the money is enough for the expenses until November 2023.

Then, I have my supervisor visit with Dr Rusniza on 3.45 p.m.. Dr Rusniza meet my supervisor company using Google Meet platform first before meeting with me. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I check all the stock regarding stationery in the office as my supervisor is one of the asset officer in the office. I need to make sure the amount of the stock is the same in the system. If the amount is not the same, it must be we did not record the data when staff getting the stationery here. I need to check one by one thoroughly and carefully. 

After that, I help Pn Noraishan to check leftover overtime allowance form and record the voucher that have been made in the despatch book. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, we have a colour theme to wear as we will taking a photo together with administration department because En Sazali will be pension later and the colour is navy blue! 

For the work, I made vouchers for account payable. Starting will bill tracking or register invoice until payment preparation. For the registration invoice, the invoice number should not be the same with invoice because if the invoice number is same with the previous invoice that have been registered, the system will refuse to proceed the registration invoice as it find the invoice number is not under unique. This is to avoid double payment to the third party. 

Then, I went to headquarter in Ipoh to sent vouchers and letters.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I made a few indents to the work order that have been applied by assistant engineer. It got reviewed by the engineer and approved by Pengurus Wilayah. After it have been approved by Pengurus Wilayah, only then I can print the indent. After print it, I need to get the signature from the engineer and Pengurus Wilayah. Then, I distribute to the assistant engineer whether by giving it their driver or they pick the indent in the office. When distribute the indent to them, we record it in the book and the person who receive it need to sign the book as the record that they have take the indent to avoid any problem in the future.

While doing the accounting department task, I also help administration department to taking phone calls from customer if they were too busy. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, September 11, 2023


 Hi, for today, I check overtime allowance form as usual and record all of the data in the Microsoft Excel to sent to the headquarter later. The data have been divided according to position, work place and respective section. 

Then, I made two claims that just been sent today. Actually, we cannot sent the travel claims after 10th in every month. But staff in headquarter still want to accept the claims. And as usual, it need to be reviewed and approved. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I made work order for four work that engineer assistant has applied. Before accounting department made work order, assistant engineer need to fill up market research form and sent to their supervisor to get approval. After that, they can sent to accounting department to proceed making the work order. 

Then, I made several payment vouchers and travel claims and sent to En Azli to be reviewed. After all of it have been reviewed, my supervisor bring it to Pengurus Wilayah to be approved by him. Last for today,  I check overtime allowance form as usual.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


Hi, for today, I made payment vouchers for the invoice that have been sent to the accounting department. The payment voucher is starting with bill tracking and ending with the payment preparation using the Century Financial software. I need to carefully enter the invoice number because if the invoice number is not the same with the stated invoice number in the invoice, the payment cannot be made.

Then, I check overtime allowance form as usual to make sure all are correct to avoid any query from the headquarter which will make the process more complicated. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


 Hi, for today, I check travel allowance forms whether it is correct or not. But there is some problem as some of them claimed form for special occasion and I did not know how to calculate it. Therefore, I learn with Pn Noraishan on how to calculate.

Then, I made work order for the work that will be done in September. All of this work have their own quotation that have been known. So, we in accounting department only need to do the work order every month without applications of work order from assistant engineer. 

After that, I recorded all of the vouchers that have been made before in the despatch book. When the driver submit to the accounting department in headquarter, the receiver will check one by one and sign in the book for the reference later and evidence that we have submit the vouchers. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I made travel claim vouchers for the claim that just been sent. Before making the vouchers, I need to check whether the amount is correct and all the documents needed are submitted. 

Then, I helped En Sazali to in charge of taking a phone calls from customers. After that, I help Pn Rosilah to recheck the purchase order that have been rejected. She discuss with Mr Alvin on how to solve the problem. I only help in checking the budget for several vot and update the purchase order to transfer the purchase to another vote allocation.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 Hi, for today, I learn how to made claim voucher from Pn Noraishan. I check and made claim vouchers in the Century Financial software. This claim vouchers need to be submitted to the headquarter before or on 10th every month's. It is the same with the account payable vouchers as it need to be reviewed by En Azli, assistant accountant and approved by Pengurus Wilayah.

Apart from that, I also made some of account payable voucher and have been reviewed by En Azli. Then, I check overtime allowance form to make sure all have been done in correct amount and format. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


 I got replacement leave for yesterday from Pengurus Besar Lembaga Air Perak 😊

31 AUGUST 2023


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

30 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I get a rest from the training team so I am at the office full day before going to Ipoh to check in the hotel. I made vouchers for all the payments and sort it one by one with my supervisor. Then, I check all the documents that have been sent to the accounting department whether it is complete or not. 

After that, I made work order regarding the work that have been applied by assistant engineer. The work order have to be reviewed by their leader, which is En Faizal, Engineer of Distribution and Development. After getting reviewed from En Faizal, the work order have to be approved by Pengurus Wilayah, Tuan Haji Ishak. Only after that, I can print the indent and give to the assistant engineer to proceed their work. 

After finish office hour, I straight went to Ipoh to prepare for tomorrow

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

29 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I wake up at 4.00 am again as we need to gather at Menara Air Perak at 5.30 a.m. We got a breakfast at 5.30 a.m. and prepare ourselves and straight went to the surau to perform Subuh. And then, at 6.30 a.m, all of us gather at the parking lot and walk to rugby field. At 8.00 a.m, we start our rehearsal.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

28 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I wake up at 4.00 a.m. and went to pick up my supervisor at home. We need to go to Ipoh for our last training. We arrive at Ipoh on 7.30 a.m. and continue training to make us comfortable with our shoes before the Independence Day. After training, we were given a breakfast. Then, they brief us on the rehearsal tomorrow. 

After finished with the training, we went to accounting department to sent vouchers that have been made last week. Then, we went to the hotel to check in and prepare for the rehearsal tomorrow.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

25 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I am in charge taking phone calls early in the morning as all of the staff have their own business to do. Then, I categorised the documents that assistant engineer have sent. Next, I check the schedule of backhoe work have done to claim the contractor's payment whether it follow correctly according to the payment that have been agreed before.

Then, I went back home to prepare to go to my daily training in Ipoh. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

24 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I am in charge of taking phone calls before my supervisor came to the office. Then, En Fuzi came to the accounting department to sent documents for disability insurance.

After my supervisor came, I ask her permission to do the disability insurance. Using Pn Noraishan ID for Century Financials software, I made the disability insurance by click on Deposit Received. After that we can check and print the receipt on the cash book. 

In the evening, I went to Ipoh for my daily training. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

23 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I am in charge of taking phone calls from customer as Pn Rosilah need to go to the hospital and Pn Noraishan took an emergency leave. So I decided to help administration department. I also minute outcoming letters to their specific files that have been provided by En Firdaus. 

After Pn Rosilah came, I check and calculate back the overtime allowance form to make sure it is in correct amount. Unfortunately, only one staff got correct and the others make one mistake. Pn Rosilah had informed their supervisor to do correction.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

22 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I made several vouchers and sent them to En Azli for him to review the vouchers. He will check the invoice number, amounts and supplier details before send a notification to En Ishak to authorize them. I also revise one indent as the amount that the contractor claim is more than the amount which is written in the indent. So I need to revise it to edit the amount and the revised indent need to get reviewed and authorized again. 

I also minute some outcoming letters to specific files. Other than that, En Sazali have done everything. I only need to minute the letters. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

21 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I made several indents for development department regarding their application of work to some areas. Then, I check schedule of the contractor's work to make sure all the claim regarding the work is correct. Sometimes the contractor make some mistake about the documents that they sent. Therefore, we who are responsible in accounting department need to double check so that we do not make mistake when paying them.

In the evening, as usual I went to Ipoh for my training. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Sunday, August 20, 2023

18 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I help Pn Noraishan to check the overtime allowance form for Pusat Operasi Taiping is correct or not. I feel so happy that each of the staff did not make any mistake this time. Then, I am in charge of taking a phone calls from customers as En Ashraf is on medical leave today. While taking a phone calls from customers, I also help administration department to minute the letters to each of the specific file that suitable for the letters. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

17 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, as Encik Firdaus has workshop at headquarter in Ipoh, he ask me to help him handle the incomming letters A to Z. I need to key in all the details in the incomming letters in Microsoft Word. While key in the details, I need to check whether we have receive the similar of the letters in the past. It will make easier for us to find which of the specific file regarding the letter. If not, we have to manually find it in the Microsoft Excel which of the file that suitable for the letters. 

Luckily that En Firdaus have write all the file for me to find it in the file room only. Even though I have help En Firdaus before this to find file, but this time it is a bit difficult for me to find all the files as I am not very familiar with the file room. So, it give me experience for administration department. Fortunately,  when I did not find the file that I need, I ask Encik Sazali to help me find it.

All the incomming letters need to minute first before putting it in the file. Today, mostly, I do administration work as in the accounting department, we do not have so much work yet.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

16 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, there are accounting staffs from headquarter visit our office in Taiping. The purpose of the visit is to know how accounting department in Taiping handle all of the matters in Wilayah Barat. They also brief some matters regarding the accounting that should be applied in Wilayah Barat.

After they finish their visit, my supervisor and I went to Ipoh for our usual training. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

15 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I made a few indent that have been applied by assistant engineers. The indent need to reviewed by each of the lead of department and authorized by Pengurus Wilayah. After it has been authorized, only that we can print out the indent on the specific indent paper which is supplied by headquarter. 

And then, as usual, in the evening, my supervisor and I went to the Ipoh for our usual training. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, August 14, 2023

14 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I check and calculate back the overtime allowance form that have been sent by the LAP staffs. I am so happy that all the forms that have been sent today is correct and nothing wrong. 

Then, I went to the customer department to send the documents to Puan Halimaton and recheck the documents that has missing last week. Fortunately, the document is there and it missing because it has been staplered with other documents. 

In the evening, as usual I went to Ipoh to go for my usual training for Independence Day later. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

11 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I am in charge taking phone calls from customers as my supervisor has another matter outside the office. I got a message from marching group WhatsApp to go fitting our shoe size for sport shoe and leather shoe in Ipoh. 

After Pn Rosilah enter the office, she discuss with Pn Noraishan on whether we need to go to Ipoh or not as we need to meet Pengurus Wilayah because some of the vouchers need to be authorized. At 11.00 a.m., Pn Rosilah decide to go to Ipoh with Pn Noraishan and me. We went to Al-Ikhsan and Camel in Ipoh Parade to give our shoe size. Then, we went to LAP headquarter to meet Pengurus Wilayah there and sent the vouchers to accounting department. After finished our matter there, we went back to Taiping. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

10 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I made a few indents for some work that have been applied. Indent is intended to lock money for the project that will be done by contractor. Then, I help En Sazali to take phone calls from customers. 

In the evening, I do a monthly expense budget for July 2023 as my supervisor time off in the evening. Before this, I have made the budget report until 8 August 2023, however En Azli want the expenses that only occur in July 2023. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

9 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I made one indent that have been applied by assistant engineer. After that, I made vouchers to be paid by headquarter. As usual, it starts with bill tracking and ended with payment preparation. Then, I bring all the vouchers to En Azli for him to review the vouchers. It need to be review first before Pengurus Wilayah can authorize it as a risk management in case any problem arise during the preparation of vouchers.

At 1.00 p.m., En Firdaus, Pn Rosilah and me went to the headquarter in Ipoh. We need to send some vouchers to accounting department and fitting our clothes for Independence Day. Once finished the mattres there, we went back to the office and arrive at 5.45 p.m..

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

8 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, many staff have others important matters to settle which made the office is feel empty. Only En Firdaus and me in the office. Because of that, I am in charge of taking a phone calls from customer. Then, I help Pn Rosilah to do monthly expense report in the Microsoft Excel as she has a meeting with Pengurus Wilayah at 9.00 p.m. After that, I help En Firdaus to handle the incomming letters and finding files in files room. 

At 12.00 p.m., I went back home to change my clothes to go to the training. Actually, there is no training in Tuesday however the coach have another important in the Thursday so they replace it today. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

7 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I made indent for work that have been applied by assistant engineer. I help En Firdaus to minute incoming letters and put it according to the exact file. Then, I am in charge of taking a phone calls from customer.

At 11.30 p.m., I went back home to change my clothes as I have a marching training at Stadium Perak, Ipoh. I feel grateful that I am given a chance to join the marching during Independence Day. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Sunday, August 6, 2023

4 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I help Kak Ros to prepare the voucher that have been authorize by Pengurus Wilayah as En Firdaus want to go to the Ipoh so he could sent the voucher as well to the headquarter. After finished preparing the voucher, my supervisor ask the permission from Chief Clerk to let En Firdaus bring me and another student to visit the headquarter office as we never get a chance to go there. 

After getting a permission, En Firdaus bring both of us to the Ipoh using LAP car. It is so amazing because the office in the headquarter is so big and beautiful. The building is also very high and nice. We get to see each of the floor in that building. After sending the vouchers and other letters, we went back to the office in Taiping. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

3 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, I divided all the indent that have been printed by my supervisor into each of the higher officer own file. And then, I went to En Fuzi to get his signed on the all of the indents. Then, I have been asked to minute the incoming letters. Moreover, I am in charge of taking phone calls for a while.

After that, I went back home to get ready to go to the Ipoh for training again today. We finished early today which is at 4.30 p.m.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

2 AUGUST 2023

 Hi, for today, there is an event in Loji Sungai Rawa for celebrating one staff change his work to police and one student that have finish his internship. Unfortunately, I could not join them as I need to went back home early. Therefore, I am in charge of taking phone calls as the office did not have many staff. Not only that, En Affendi ask me to find the file for his project in the book file and I manage to find it. 

I went back home on 11 a.m. as I need to change my outfit. This is the first day of me and my supervisor to training marching. The weather is very hot in Ipoh and it make us feel more burdened with heat. We end our training when Azan Asar hearing.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 Hi, for today, I made indent for the work that will be done in August 2023. This type of indent will be done every month as it have the quotation and it is consider monthly work. Then, I made disability insurance for one contractor. 

Then, I help En Firdaus to minute one file that have indent of one specific LAP car. I have to minute a lot of thing as the one that keep the file did not minute al, of the indent properly before. Furthermore, I made more indent regarding the changing meter with my supervisor and we made a table to make easier for us to detect any excess amount of money regarding the provision for that work.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

31 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I help En Sazali to bind some document for the staff. Moreover, I learn how to do milage claim and also overtime allowance. Before this, I only checked the amount that the staff claim, but today I manage to know on how to dot it by my ownselve.

Then, I help my supervisor to mark the docume that higher officer need to sign and divide to each of the higher officer's own file to make it easier to bring its to them. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

28 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I print all the voucher that have been generated after the headquarter have paid all of the vouchers that have been sent before. It is for reference later in case any problem happen or for auditing purposes. And then, we sort out all the copy of voucher that have been sent yesterday to be kept in the office. 

In the evening, I need to go to Stadium Perak as my name is in selection list of foot march contingent for independence day. I do not know how to say that I got lucky or not, but I have been selected to be one of the contingent and of course with my supervisor hahaha. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Thursday, July 27, 2023

27 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I meet Pengurus Wilayah to send the report and work that he ask me to do. He ask me to present about the graph of price rate for tariff 21 which is for industry. Then he ask me to explain a bit about my research report. After finished explaining, he give some souvenir from Makkah.

Next, I sort all of the vouchers that have been authorised by Pengurus Wilayah because it will be sent to the headquarter this evening. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

26 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I help my supervisor made vouchers for the indent that have completed with all the documents needed. However, there is problem when the provision for the work of that indent is insufficient. My supervisor teach me on how to transfer the money from one vot to another vot. But, it must be the same group of vot. She also teach me on how to close the accounting period in December. Before 15 December every, all of the payment should be made vouchers and send to the headquarter in Ipoh. She told me that starting from October until December, it will be a hectic month to her.

Then, I send the voucher that have been made to En Azli for him to reviewed before Pengurus Wilayah authorized it later.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

25 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, as my supervisor time off in the morning and have done help Pn Noraishan, I help administration department to minute the incoming letters. Then, I need to in charge with the calls. I have said before that I am nervous when taking calls from customers however, I am okay now unless with the work that I do not know, I will ask help from En Sazali or En Firdaus.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, July 24, 2023

24 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, my supervisor taking a holiday because she has an emergency matter. Firstly, I made disability insurance for En Fuzi. After made the disability insurance, I need to print the receipt and made a copy for reference later.

Then, I help the administration department to do their work. I find the file that assistant engineer ask for because he want to search some letter before in that file. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

21 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I check the overtime allowance form that have been corrected. Alhamdulillah, all of the forms is in correct amount. Then, I followed En Sazali and my supervisor to go to the LAP store to sell old paper. Honestly, this is my second time going to the store. The first one is on 19 July which administration department and account department do overtime work there. We organise all the file regarding the vouchers, indents and quotation. 

In the evening, I shred papers using the shredder machine. Unfortunately, the machine cannot work after 30 minutes. We try to repair the machine. And lastly, we found out that the machine cannot be too hot or it will be jammed.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

20 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, my supervisor came late as she has personal matters outside. I went to the administration department and offer for any work that I can help. I do minute the outcoming letter from Jabatan Pembangunan. After that, I give the original letter to En Sazali for him to send the letters to MPT. 

18 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I check overtime allowance for staff in Pusat Operasi Taiping. This is to make sure that all of the amount that have been calculated is correct. Next, I help my supervisor to check all the document that have been sent by assistant engineer. This is to avoid LAP pay more or less to the contractor.

After that, I help Pn Hidayah to photostat service book for three staffs. I need to photostat each of the pages and divide the service record and holidays records.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, July 17, 2023

17 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I check overtime allowance form. I found two of the staff making some mistake and I already return the form to their supervisor to make correction. Then, I have record the data regarding the petty cash such as date, name of company and amount in petty cash book.

Then, I help Pn Hidayah to photostat some staffs file service to key in the data for Pn Hidayah's work. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Sunday, July 16, 2023

14 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, my supervisor went to meeti about asset in Ipoh. I made indent in the morning as my supervisor has remind me to do it and ask En Fuzi to review the indent. After finish doing it, I ask En Firdaus to give me the E-attendance for one staff for me to check the overtime allowance form. 

After finished checking the overtime allowance form, I excuse myself to Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara to do a new identification card as mine was missing since Monday. 

In the evening, I bring all the document that need to authorize to En Faizal as we need to send it to the headquarter next week.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

13 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I check overtime allowance form for staff that have submitted their form today. There are some several mistake that they made which are not rounding the amount and taking wrong time for the overtime. 

Then, I check with my supervisor where did I do wrong in the monthly budget report. It just a small mistake that I made which is I did not minus the cumulative amount from January to May to get the June amount.

Then, I help my supervisor to key in the data regarding the stock to register the stock of stationery that never exist before. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

12 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I continued to do monthly budget report for June 2023. I make some mistake that make the account is not balance which is I did not minus some figure to get the balance. As a lesson, I must be careful and thoroughly in doing every work. 

Then, I made three indents regarding the project. In this work, I also made one mistake which I tick wrong section for the department that apply for the work order. Luckily, it just a small mistake. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

11 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I got so much experience to get a chance to go to water treatment plant in Sungai Rawa, Kerian, Perak.

In this plant, I got a chance to meet En Shafiyuddin who is engineer in the plant. Firstly, he explain briefly how working environment in the plant. Then, he takes us to the real water plant from one station to one station. He explain all of the procedure needed to treat the water from the river until the water that we get in our house. After that, he bought us to chemical lab to show us how the test been done to the water everyday.  

After finished visit water treatment plant, we went to operations center of LAP in Sungai Rawa. I got to learn about Lapcom which is the system they have to key in the complaints regarding water supply. En Syukri also show us the tools that they use to carry out repair work. Then, we came back to the office after finished. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


Monday, July 10, 2023

10 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, in the morning I need to go to police station to make a report for my lost my ID card. After come back from the police station, I help my supervisor to sort voucher that needed to sent to the headquarter this evening. Then, I record the details regarding the voucher such as name of creditor, voucher number and amount on the voucher. 

Next, Dynamic Bookstore sent all of the stationery that LAP have bought before. We work together to lift all of the stationery into the office. After that, Pn Noraishan and I check whether all of the item were sent correctly. Then, we arrange the stationery in the cupboard according to the predetermined position.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Sunday, July 9, 2023

7 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I help my supervisor making indent for the stationery that have been bought before. Every item that have been must be provided with at least three quotations to compare which one is the cheapest. I made two quotations from other bookstore to compare the price with Dynamic Bookstore. 

Next, I do monthly expense reports to find out the balance figure after June 2023. Unfortunately,  I do not finish doing it as En Firdaus calling me to explain to me on what report should I sent to him after finishing my internship here. There are a few things that I need to do and fill the form that he provide to me. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

6 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I check overtime allowance form and travel claims form that have been sent. Travel claims must be sent to the headquarter before or on 10th every month according to the Treasury Instructions. 

Next, I help my supervisor to do indent for a few work from the assistant engineer. Then, I help Kak As to record all of the voucher details in the despatch book for the reference later on what voucher have sent to the headquarter.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

5 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I double check the millage claim form and overtime allowance form to make sure all of the amount that they fill in is correct. There is only one mistake for the millage claim and three mistakes for overtime allowance form. It has been returned to the staff to a correction.

Next, I help Pn Rosilah to sort out all the voucher regarding the work order or indents before sending them to Ipoh. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

4 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I bring the voucher to En Azli for him to review all of the vouchers. After being reviewed by En Azli, I bring the vouchers to En Faizal to authorize them. This process is needed in every company as to make sure that every transaction is correct and can be paid. 

Then, I help Pn Noraishan to sort the voucher for millage claim and several account payable. I need to make a copy of each document to be kept in the office. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, July 3, 2023

3 JULY 2023

 Hi, for today, I just comeback from holiday of Eid Adha. I went to En Fuzi who is assistant engineer to get his signature on the indent. Then, I help my supervisor making a vouchers for the payment. Sadly, I make a few mistakes that I actually afraid of. However it still can be deleted but I still blame myself for not being thorough. I hope one day I can be good worker and not do any mistake.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

28 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I continued to list down all of the payment in the morning. I need to record the voucher date, voucher number, indent number and amount that has been claimed. 

Then, I help my supervisor to do the indents for the work in July. We need to do it early as the assistant engineer will take the indent to the contractor as the guarantee that Lembaga Air will pay them for their work. After that, I continue doing four work order for meter conversion work and vehicle maintenance. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

27 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I made list of all of the payment to the contractor for the contract that have done. This is to make sure and check if Lembaga Air has pay more or less than the price that have been agreed in the beginning. Moreover, we also need to check whether the contractor has claimed the insurance for their work. I have check one by one the voucher that have been done and list it in the Microsoft Excel for reference of my supervisor. This work taking a long time as I need to check each of the voucher. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, June 26, 2023

26 JUNE 2023

Hi, for today, I check overtime allowance form for staff in Selama. There are three staff that need to do corrections on his form but Pn Noraishan and me decide to correct it as we did not have many time because it need to be sent to headquarter before 29 June. 

Next, I bring all the document regarding the salaries and claim on private clinic to get authorisation by En Faizal who is a substitute of Pengurus Wilayah. Then, I made disability insurance using Century Financial software and print out the receipt to attach with the cheque later. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Sunday, June 25, 2023

23 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I arrange all the voucher payment according to the quotation, contractor and months. All of the voucher payment separated according to the quotation file. 

In the evening, I follow my supervisor to the Dynamic Book store to see how the procedure to buy stock for stationery. The staff in the Dynamic Book store need to do a quotation so that Lembaga Air Perak will compare the price range and pick the store. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

22 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I minute incomming letters to put it in their specific files. We need to minute it according to their specific terms. Then, I help another student practical find a file according to the letter in Microsoft Excel.

Next, I help Pn Rosilah which is my supervisor to list all of the stationery that we kept in steel rack in the office to let all the staff know what stock do office have. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

21 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I helped my supervisor to do budget expenditure for May 2023. All of the account is balance to do statement report. Next, I print all the payment voucher that has been paid by headquarter. Then, I help my supervisor to sort all of the voucher into their specific file according to their work or quotation. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

20 JUNE 2023

Hi, for today, I revise one indent that my supervisor left for me as the price the contractor claim exceed the amount stated in the indent. First, I need to force completion to making adjustment for the price. And then, I make adjustment to the price and send notification to En Fuzi to review the indent. 

Then, I made a vouchers for the rest of the account payable that we did not make yesterday. After getting reviewed by En Azli, I bring it to En Faizal together with all the vouchers yesterday to get authorisation from him. Then, I help my supervisor to sort all the voucher as En Ashraf will bring to the headquarter earning in the morning tomorrow.  

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, June 19, 2023

19 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I made a few vouchers and work orders. I made the voucher from the bill tracking until payment preparation. I double check all the data that I recorded to avoid making the same mistake like last time. After bringing all the vouchers to En Azli for him to review, I print the purchase order for En Alvin. 

In the evening, I made work order while being monitored by my supervisor. I also help Pn Noraishan record a list of the names of the staff who got a salary increase in July. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Sunday, June 18, 2023

16 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I helped En Sazali to print his evidence to claim taxi allowance as he need to go to Ipoh for his appointment at the hospital. The evidence must be verified from his supervisor.

Next, I bring the vouchers that have been reviewed by En Azli yesterday to En Faizal for him to authorize them. After he authorize the vouchers, I help my supervisor to sort out the voucher and separate it into two copies. We need to do quickly as En Ashraf has to send it to Ipoh today. 

After that, I record all of the amount that staffs have claimed for their overtime allowance in the Microsoft Excel. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

15 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I carried all of the voucher that have been made yesterday to En Azli for him to review all of the vouchers before authorised by En Faizal. Before I bring the vouchers to En Azli, I made one voucher that we did not do yesterday. 

Furthermore, I check the overtime allowance forms that have been sent this morning by customer division and operations center. There are several forms that need to be corrected and I have inform my supervisor for her to tell the responsible person. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

14 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I record the data regarding the information about claim on private clinic. All of the staff has given RM300.00 per year to claim on private clinic. Next, I check the list of annual salary increase with the statement of changes in income each staff that eligible to has salary increase in July. 

Next, I made a voucher with my supervisor as she need to monitor me to avoid me making a mistake again. I need to prepare from the bill tracking until the payment preparation. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, June 12, 2023

13 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I record the data Petron oil consumption per vehicle for Taiping for the month of May 2023 in the Microsoft Excel. The amount that has been generated by Microsoft Excel need to be the same as the total amount in the statement given by Petron. 

Next, I check the overtime allowance form. For today, there are a few mistakes and the staff already done the correction. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

12 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I check overtime allowance form to see whether the staff need to correct it back or not. As for now, there is no correction needed. Next, my supervisor and I check and calculate all the stock of office stationery to make sure it is the same with amount recorded in the system.

After that, we make some adjustment as there is some item that do not have the same amount with what has recorded in the system. Moreover, I list down all the item that  need to order from the book store as it has reach the minimum amount.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Friday, June 9, 2023

9 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I learn from my supervisor on how to print indents after getting approval from the substitute of Pengurus Wilayah which is En. Faizal. Next, I learn on how to do disability insurance. 

Next, I check overtime allowance form whether it is in correct hours and amount or not. For today submission, only one staff has problem with his thumbprint. Then, I made work orders. I still making mistake today which is I do not check it carefully before key in the data. I feel sad and guilty at the same time to my supervisor as I keep making mistakes this week 😓. However, I take all of my mistakes as a lesson to always be more careful after this. Fighting!! 👊

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Thursday, June 8, 2023

8 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I need to sort the voucher regarding the millage that have been made yesterday. As usual, we need to have one copy in the office and one copy will be sent to the headquarter tomorrow. For the millage form, staffs need to submit two copies of the form to please the sorting process before being sent to the headquarter. 

Next, I made a few work order. I key in the data with full caution as I do not want making a mistake like before. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

7 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I bring the work order to En Fuzi as he need to review all of the work order before getting approval from En Faizal who is a substitute of Pengurus Wilayah for a while. Unfortunately, there is some technical error in a system that occur.

I learn from my supervisor on how to make voucher for the payment of bills and work order. I also help her make a few voucher. I made a mistake which is I key in incorrect amount of invoice number. I realize that is my mistake as I did not double check before post it to the payment preparation. My supervisor have explain on how to solve that problem. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

6 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I key in the data regarding the travel allowance that staff want to claim for work in May. This is to make sure that we have recorded as a reference in a future. Moreover, I record the data regarding the petty cash to make a voucher for the payment later.

Furthermore, I learn from my supervisor on how to revise the indent if the amount that have been invoiced is not same with what have been written on the indent. We need to revise as we need to pay according to the invoice that have been sent to us. I also have done the work order for work in June 2023. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Friday, June 2, 2023

2 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I help En. Firdaus to list all of incoming letters. We need to record the reference, title of the letter and file no regarding the letter. After that, I went to the cashier to collect the information regarding revenue collection to do my report.

Next, I check travel allowance form whether it is in correct amount or not. There is no mistake regarding the forms. Furthermore, I handle on the stock that staff want. And then, I went to the development department to collect information regarding my report. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Thursday, June 1, 2023

1 JUNE 2023

 Hi, for today, I ask my supervisor on how to correct my mistake yesterday. She say that I need to do it manually by hand after print the receipt. I print the receipt by the system and write it manually. After that, I fill in the data in the receipt to send it to the bank.

I went to the meter reader department to do my report. En. Fauzan explain to me on the procedure how meter readers download their own books until Pembaca Meter Kanan collect their books back.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

31 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, my supervisor take a leave. I help Pn. Noraishan to do disability insurance. We have five deposit insurance to do. I made a mistake for one of the deposit insurance which is I forgot to put the address of developer. I need to ask my supervisor on how to correct it as it was already in a status posted.

Next, I go to the downstairs to ask Pn. Halimaton to do my report that Pengurus Wilayah want. Pn Halimaton teach me on how to apply water meter entry and document that needed to be prepared by applicant. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, May 29, 2023

30 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I help my supervisor prepare the document for external audit. She send the softcopy of the documents in pdf form to assistant accountant before sending it to headquarter. 

Next, I help my supervisor to sort all of the voucher that have been yesterday before sending to headquarter in Ipoh. We made two copy of the voucher which is one will be kept in the office as a record and one will be sent to Ipoh. After that, I record all of the voucher number for reference later in voucher book. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

29 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, my supervisor and I check the payment for contractor from 2021 until 2023. This is because we need to check if the contractor have claim exceed the amount that have been dealt. We need to check whether the exceeded amount is exceed 20% from the amount of work or not. 

Next, I help my supervisor made voucher for all the payment. We need to do it as soon as possible as this is the last day before pengurus wilayah taking a leave to perform the Haji as he need to approve all the vouchers before sending to headquarter. Alhamdulillah we manage to do all the important things.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

26 MAY 2023

  Hi, for today, I help staff to prepare the things for the department heads meeting that will be held in meeting room on 9 a.m today. After that, I record the data of all the indent in indenture record book. When the staff taking the indent, they need to sign in this book. This is to prevent any mistake happen in the future. 

Next, I made work order that have been made mistakenly. After that, prepare the indent that need to be sign by engineer. Around 4 p.m, we have yassin reading ceremony for pengurus wilayah as he will go to Mecca to perform Haji there. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Thursday, May 25, 2023

25 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I help my supervisor check one by one indent have been made during the month while she key in the data in the file to make sure she has one copy of the data that have been recorded.

Next, I help my supervisor to make a budget for April 2023. We need to look at all of the item code and make sure all of the amount is balance. I have ask a few things that I do not familiar about and my supervisor explain to me nicely 🙂. 

Moreover, I check the overtime allowance form to check whether it is in correct amount or not. Unfortunately, all of the form that have been sent today is wrong. My supervisor help me to calculate inform to the supervisor of the staff.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

24 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I made several indent that need to be done by myself using the system as my supervisor have important matters outside. I also check each of indent that have been sent to higher ups whether all of the indents have been signed or not. This is because all the indents need be reviewed first before getting the approval from Pengurus Wilayah.

After rest time, I help Pn Noraishan to record the data of the travel allowance from December 2022 until April 2023. I need to check all of the travel allowance each of the staff using the century financial system.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

23 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, my supervisor check the work order and purchase order that I have done yesterday before confirm it to be reviewed by higher ups. She also print all the indent that I have made mistakes yesterday. Next, I make a column in indent book so that we can record the data needed when making the indent in the future. 

Furthermore, I make work order again as yesterday there are some mistake that I have done with the time period of the work. After done doing the work orders, I record the data needed in the indent book. After that, I help Pn Noraishan to check the overtime allowance form wether it is in correct amount or not. Moreover, I help Pn Hidayah to photostat the personal book of Pengurus Wilayah as she need to do other work. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

22 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I make work order and purchase order for work that have done. The difference between the work order and purchase order is work order involve working activities while purchase order only involve item that have been supplied to LAP. 

Next, my supervisor teach me on how to print indents as she has important matters outside. While printing the indent, I make some mistake that my supervisor has remind me before. Unfortunately, I am so careless that I make mistake and I cannot print it for the second time as it need password for the second to avoid any fraud. I have told my supervisor using WhatsApp and she say it is okay, she can print it tomorrow. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Sunday, May 21, 2023

19 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I help my supervisor to do petty cash for a few of claim that have been made by staff. Next, I made work order as usual under my supervisor guidance as I need to get approval from her before send it to be reviewed from the responsible party. Furthermore, Pn Rosilah also teach me on how to handle money that have been kept by her in safe box. 

Today, I also met a lot of staff and learn how to deal with them nicely. They were very nice and helpful towards me 😊

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Thursday, May 18, 2023

18 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, my supervisor, Pn Rosilah, just came back to the office after three days taking the leave. I hope you strong 😘💝

I help Pn Rosilah to do work order for all the work in May 2023. For the first time, I am using the system without Pn Rosilah beside me. However, the status of the work order is in hold as Pn Rosilah need to check first before post it to the next step. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

17 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I help Pn to do a schedule for payment that will be collected again because the allowance has been included in the salary of the staff. However, the staff are not eligible for the allowance because he have changed jobs from the finance department in Ipoh to the corporate affairs department at the LAP Taiping office.

Next, I help En Firdaus to photostat the thumbprint records for a few of staff from 2021 until 2023. Moreover, I also learn from En Sazali how to prepare the letter before post it using Pos Malaysia.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

16 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I help Pn Noraishan key in the data relating to the overtime allowance. The data are key in manually in Excel to record all of the amount that have been calculated and checked before.

Around 12.00 p.m, I wen to the Hari Raya feast in Taiping with a few of staffs here. I was thankful and greatful for getting free foods today hahaha 😊

Next, I checked telephone bills that have been paid to check whether the new bills have been paid or not.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, May 15, 2023

15 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, as my supervisor is taking leave from today until 17 May as her father passed away yesterday, I help Pn Noraishan checking overtime allowance form. For today, there is no mistake in the form that have been sent. 

Next, En. Alvin teach me on how to print the purchase order or local order using LAP system. Furthermore, I also help him to print balance of stock in the store of Lembaga Air Perak. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Sunday, May 14, 2023

12 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I checked overtime allowance forms again. There is some conflict that raised during the discussion with my supervisor about the overtime allowance, however, it has been solved. 

Next, Pn Rosilah and I double check the 2023 budget estimate whether it is the same with what my supervisor record in Microsoft Excel. There is some amount that in incorrect amount but have been correct it back. 

Furthermore, I learn from my supervisor to do work orders for project in April and May. This work orders need to be done before making the indenture to release the payment to the contractor. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Thursday, May 11, 2023

11 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I continued checking overtime allowance forms for the staffs. There are a few mistakes that have been made by the staffs such as incorrect amount of hour. Next, I help Pn Aishan to make a table for staff who get promotion to calculate the salary he deserves.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

10 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I continued checking overtime allowance forms while waiting for my supervisor getting approval and sign from Pengurus Wilayah, En Ishak, for the voucher that have been made by Pn Rosilah and Pn Aishan. 

After getting the approval, I help Pn Rosilah to prepare all the documents that needed to be sent to the headquarter. Most of the document need to be prepare in two copies which is one needed to be kept in the office and one needed to be sent to the headquarter. For the travel allowance voucher, it need to be sent before or on 10th every month. After prepare the document, I arranged the voucher in numerical order and write the voucher in no in the voucher book. 

At around 10 a.m, all the committee members of Aidilfitri feast and pensioners need to gather under the tent outside the office to hear a briefing related to the banquet. I was instructed to serve the vvip, vip and pensioners. 

Around 2 p.m, the ceremony began. It was a good experience to handle the ceremony in a working life. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

9 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I checked overtime and travel allowance forms and see whether the staff need to make correction or not. 

Next, as a committee member of Aidilfitri feast and pensioners, I helped Pn Hidayah and Pn Aishan to wrap the presents for lucky draws. I am also helped in preparing the materials for the lucky draws. It take quite of time as they have a lot of presents and materials to prepare. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Monday, May 8, 2023

8 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I have checked travel and overtime allowance form wether staffs have key in wrongly or not. Most of the form is correct and do not need correction. Next, I continued doing a cashbook for the petty cash using a system. After finished doing the cashbook, my supervisor teach me to do small voucher or 'baucer kecil'. 

After that, I key in the data about claim of petrol for Shell, Petronas and Petron. After finished key in, I print the data two copies as one needed to be kept in the office while the other have to be sent to headquarter. I have also send the vouchers that have been made by Pn Noraishan to En Azli who is the assistant accountant to get approval from him before send them to Ipoh. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


Sunday, May 7, 2023

5 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I helped my supervisor to prepare the invoice entry and payment preparations to be sent to headquarter in Ipoh, Perak for them to pay all the voucher that have been made by us. Each the document need to be make a copy of them and the copy need to be kept in the office as a future reference. Moreover, all the invoices need to be recorded in the book. 

After that, my supervisor teach me on how to key for the claims. We need to record them in a petty cash and calculate all the claims throughout the month and make a total of them. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

3 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, I am using LAP system to do a cash book for requesting a check from headquarter to pay to the Pejabat Hutan for using forest reserve routes for pipe installation. Next, I checked all the documents relating to salary increase by a staff member to make sure all the data is right. 

Next, I learm how to make claim preparation using a system with Pn. Rosilah. Surely it has several steps to do, but Pn. Rosilah explain to me the step by one by one with very details. After finished doing the claim preparation, we continued doing the account payable preparation that start with document register and end with the payment preparation.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

2 MAY 2023

 Hi, for today, Pn. Rosilah and I continued on doing the bill tracking, document approval, AP finance received, invoice and payment preparation together using LAP system. The reason on why we are doing together is because I still need to be monitored as it is a risk if I make mistake during dealing with the systems. 

Next, we make some adjustment on phone bills that we have recorded compare to the Telekom Malaysia record in their bills. This is the fun part where we both got lost looking at all the numbers. I feel dizzy and want to throw up when searching the data as we have to look at many documents hahahaha. 

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈

Friday, April 28, 2023

28 APRIL 2023

 Hi, for today, I continued to do the invoices and payment preparations for the rest that I did not have finished two days ago. There is one problem occur when I want to key in the data for local order which is the quantity for items is not appear and it shows as zero but in the local order paper, it have the quantity for each of the item. This is because Mr. Alvin who is work in the Taiping Store Department make small mistake there. However, he has come and fix the problem. 

Next, I learn from my supervisor about Disability Savings or we called it in Malay as 'Wang Simpanan Kecacatan'. It is a deposit from the third party during the project. After key in the data in the system, we make a resit manually and bring the cheque to the bank. Then, the headquarter will do a bank reconciliation to adjust with the cash book.

That's all from me today. Thank you. See you tomorrow 🙈


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